Tuesday, October 23, 2007

A Brief Review

Recently I was surprised to find that Ben Halkum (I assume) had registered an account on the GCW forums to inform us that he'd reviewed GCW over at EWzine.com. I'd glanced at the site before, but this was the first time I'd ever actually looked into it deeply.

Now, I know there's some controversy surrounding the site, and I'll readily confess that I don't know the whole story... and what I do know isn't really relevant. But the site looks like a good concept; the e-wrestling world could use a few more resource sites.

I'd like to express my thanks to Halkum for the great review (I'd link you to it, but... I can't) and for taking the time to check us out. I think EWzine is a good concept. But, in light of GCW being reviewed by EWzine, I had to do a little review of EWzine myself.

Really, my problem is this: while I was very flattered by the comments, the review itself was so riddled with writing mistakes as to make it difficult to read. Not only was is tough to decipher at times, it really made the whole effort seem amateur. Nothing kills my interest in a site, any site, more than seeing bad writing. There was obviously zero time given to proofreading each entry (the other fed reviews are equally bad), and the vast majority of the errors seemed to be mere typos that could be fixed with a quick readthrough.

This isn't intended to burn Halkum, because I do appreciate the perfect score, and it isn't intended to dissuade anyone from visiting EWzine. But really, I hope those guys will take things a bit more seriously, proofread every word they publish, and make the whole effort look more professional. E-wrestling needs more resource sites, but we have no use for bad ones.

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